Grant Park Dynamic Allocation Fund
A mutual fund designed for advisors seeking to strengthen equity growth with the potential for enhanced risk-reward. The Fund seeks to provide positive absolute returns.
Reasons to Invest
Fund Overview
Investment Program Description
Global Markets
The Fund invests across over 70 markets and sectors across global exchanges.
Diversified Portfolio
Relative sector performance varies across multiple time periods.
Quilt chart represents that sector returns will vary from year to year. The cells in the chart are intentionally left blank.
For illustrative purposes only.
Stacked Risk Premia
Multi-Advisor Integration
Investment Mandate
Sub Advisor Programs
Investor Portfolios
Adding Grant Park to investor’s portfolios may help achieve their long-term investment goals. Advisors can customize allocations based on risk tolerance.
Allocation Considerations
The Fund’s ability to reinforce portfolio strength across multiple asset classes allows for allocations across multiple investor profiles.